(Sharing Zone) is a shameful scam says "Search for and download any file! truth about enzyte Download your favorite games, software, security utilities, full programs and more! Unlimited downloads! Turbocharged download speeds! ALl file types supported!" etc.


Well, what these idiots do if you pay for membership is this: Give you "access" to a page of links to download publicly available Bit Torrent clients. Yep, it's a scam and a sham and these guys are jerks for trying to cheat people out of money with false advertising - specifically Reynold Lal, the name listed by Clickbank Marketplace.

posted by Chuck Olsen at 9:21 PM | Somebody Say Something for God's Sake

Friday, September 09, 2005
Fire Michael Brown

It's time this administration take some responsibility and fire this incompetent bureaucrat. His lack of preparedness and action cost hundreds or thousands of lives. Fire Michael Brown now.

posted by Chuck Olsen at 12:40 AM | Speak Up, Hey! (1)

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Blogumentary is over here!

You heard me. The action is here: This is now just an archive (and a place for Google experiments.)

posted by Chuck Olsen at 3:31 AM | Somebody Say Something for God's Sake

Yahoo Domains Blog

Move along. Nothing to see here.

Yahoo E-commerce merchant solutions, Yahoo web hosting, Yahoo! domains and Yahoo domains review. All of this, at Yahoo Domains, Domain Registration, and Yahoo Web Hosting blog. Yep. Sorry.

posted by Chuck Olsen at 3:27 AM | Somebody Say Something for God's Sake

Thursday, March 31, 2005
Digital Television Blog

Visit Chuck's new blog: Digital Television Blog
Posting about fun toys like the Sony HDRFX1 HDV High Definition Camcorder, high definition television, digital video recorders (DVRs) and personal video recorders (PVRs), MPEG camcorders, HD-DVD and High Defintion DVD, Panasonic AG-HVX, and whatever tickles Chuck's tech-fancy.

posted by Chuck Olsen at 5:59 AM | Somebody Say Something for God's Sake

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Seriously you guys. You should go visit Chuck. Love that dude.

posted by Chuck Olsen at 4:48 AM | Somebody Say Something for God's Sake

Monday, September 06, 2004

It's time for a liberal patriotism: NEW PATRIOT launches at A Minnesota-based proudly liberal group blog, curently dedicated to redefining patriotism as wanting to fix what's wrong in America. Starting with George W. Bush.

posted by Chuck Olsen at 7:13 PM | Somebody Say Something for God's Sake

Saturday, February 21, 2004


Urban Warrior is an excellent documentary film by my friend Matt Ehling, whom I've known since grade school. I'd encourage anyone concerned about the current state of civil liberties in a post-9/11 world to contact Matt for a screening:

Within recent years, the formerly bright line separating U.S. military operations from domestic police work has become increasingly blurred. From Waco, to the WTO protests, tactics once reserved for wartime combat are being used in domestic law enforcement operations with increasing frequency.

The United States has traditionally recognized a separation of the roles and jurisdictions of its police and military forces. However, during the 1980s and 90s, the Pentagon began supplying both military training and surplus military hardware to domestic law enforcement agencies. Paramilitary SWAT teams, utilizing urban combat tactics, sub-machine guns, and armored personnel carriers, now exist in 90% of American cities with a population of 50,000 or more. Since the terror attacks of 9-11, new calls have been made to involve the military in domestic affairs, and to further eliminate the traditional fire walls that have long separated these two entites.

"Urban Warrior" casts a critical eye on this trend, investigating the impact of military-style police work on civil liberties, and examining case studies ranging from the WTO protests, to the Elian Gonzales raid.

From ETS Pictures.

posted by Chuck Olsen at 9:20 PM | Somebody Say Something for God's Sake

Wednesday, September 24, 2003


I'm ditching this joint. Find me here:

Enjoy fine posts, such as:
Blogs Save Lives
Bill O'Reilly vs. Terry Gross
Junior Senior live video at SXSW
Chuck Olsen Brings Blogumentary to Carleton Digital Arts Festival"

Did you know Blogumentary is an open source film? Yes, it's true. What the world needs now is an open source documentary so researchers, filmmakers, and bloggers can make their own use of the raw footage. By the way, this is not to be confused with the film about the open source movement, Revolution OS.